March 24, 2022

3 Key Business Drivers for African Insurance APIs Initiatives

Insurance APIs enable data flow into and across the insurance value chain opening up the industry to huge opportunities for new and innovative solutions  We generally tend to get caught up in the hype around certain technology. But we forget what it is that that technology brings to the insurance industry in terms of capabilities.…

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Turnkey Africa

December 23, 2021

DMVIC Integration: Conveniently order, generate and distribute virtual motor insurance certificates

TurnQuest-DMVIC integration helps streamline the motor vehicle certificate issuance process for speed, efficiency and accuracy TurnQuest Insurance Suite is now fully integrated into the Association of Kenyan Insurers (AKI) Digital Motor Vehicle Insurance Certificate (DMVIC) system. The DMVIC platform enables virtual motor insurance certificate issuance where insurers can conveniently order, generate and distribute virtual certificates…

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Turnkey Africa

December 23, 2021

Sybrin DMS Integration: Capture, organize and derive more value from your unstructured data

Sybrin’s addition to the ever expanding TurnQuest integration inventory enables our customers to derive more value from our products to drive their digital strategies. TurnQuest Insurance Suite users are now able to integrate into the Sybrin document management solution(DMS). With the new integration, TurnQuest users will be able to access and manage information from multiple…

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Turnkey Africa